Things You Should Do Before Traveling to Morocco

 The list of things to think about when going on a trip is often long, even endless, so it is easy to forget things that are essential, so here are our list of 15 Things You Should Do Before Traveling to Morocco:

  1. Travel insurance:

Are you adequately covered for medical care and hospitalization abroad? You should make sure of this, because an accident happens and the bill for treatment abroad goes up very quickly. Choose the plan that suits you best. There are also protections for baggage, flight delays and trip cancellation or interruption, among others. That’s why is on the top of the Things You Should Do Before Traveling to Morocco.

  1. Travel health:

A consultation at a travel health clinic may prove useful before your departure. You will be informed of the risks related to your health depending on your destination and the precautions to be taken. This is an opportunity to check that your vaccines are updated since some countries require you to be immunized against some diseases before allowing you to cross the border.

  1. Passport copies:

If there is a travel document to remember, it is of course your passport. But what if it’s lost or stolen? In order to prove your citizenship, you should pack a copy of this document with you and leave another with someone you trust who you can easily reach. You can also scan your passport, or photograph the identification page and keep the document in your smartphone.

  1. Registration with government authorities:

Be sure to report your trip to the competent authorities in your country before you go. Among information to declare are your contact details, the dates of your trip and the place where you will be staying. In the event of a problem, the government may be able to help you more easily.

  1. Check the currency conversion rate:

While the value of the US dollar compared to its Euro equivalent is calculated fairly well, converting to other currencies is sometimes more complicated. What is the value of 200,000 Moroccan Dirhams? From 900 Czech crowns? 100 Polish zlotys? This is essential information to get a good idea of ​​the real price of what you are about to buy.

  1. Cash and credit cards:

Make sure you always have cash in local currency, as not all places accept credit card payments. You should also have in your possession credit cards from two separate issuing companies (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), as one card may not be accepted in one location, but another will. Also remember to contact your banking institutions before your departure to notify them of a travel notice. This will prevent your cards from being blocked due to fear of fraud.

  1. Bank withdrawal:

If you need to withdraw money at your destination, avoid ATMs and airport exchange offices, which often charge exorbitant fees.

  1. Entry or exit charges:

Some countries require a fee to be paid in cash and local currency to let you enter or leave their territory. So remember to inform yourself to plan the blow and add it to your list of Things You Should Do Before Traveling to Morocco.

  1. Buy attraction tickets in advance:

Some people don’t like to impose themselves or an itinerary or a schedule, but the benefits of planning can be considerable. By purchasing tickets for the attractions you want to see in advance, not only will you avoid queuing when you get there, but some places also charge less for tickets sold online. Save time and money.

  1. Get a travel guide:

Whether in its traditional format (for lovers of doodling) or in digital form, the guide generally includes a geographical map, keywords in the local language, valuable advice as well as historical and practical information on the islands. sites you plan to visit. If the guides seem too expensive, consider going to the library. You can also buy one and sell it later.

  1. Events during your stay:

Remember to educate yourself about important events and holidays that take place during your trip. This research will perhaps give you a better idea of ​​the traffic you will be facing and thus better plan your trip. You will thus avoid finding yourself in a small town in Thailand without a hotel reservation and no more rooms available due to a large-scale festival (fact lived!).

  1. Bring a power adapter:

The small essential device if you want to “survive” your trip. You will be able to charge smartphone, tablet, camera and more even if the electrical outlets are not the same as here. In the same vein, check the voltage of your electronic devices.

  1. Data abroad:

If you intend to use your smartphone abroad so check your list of Things You Should Do Before Traveling to Morocco, and contact your cellular operator before your departure to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  1. Clothing in your carry-on baggage:

We do not wish that on anyone, but it is a reality: it happens that luggage arrives late or is outright lost. So bring some clothes in the bag or suitcase that will accompany you on board.

  1. Snacks:

Crackers, nuts, snacks … In your hand luggage (to eat on the plane) or in the checked baggage (to help you wait between two meals at your destination), snacks are also essential to plan. At the same time, you will avoid paying a fortune for your munchies at the airport.

Contact us for more information about the things you need to know before coming to Morocco!

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Colored Morocco


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